
An Osteopathic Approach

At its core, Osteopathy is a manual therapy that assesses, treats and manages health complaints. 

Osteopathic Medicine utilises many techniques to influence the systems of the body; Musculoskeletal, Fascial, Lymphatic, Neural, Circulatory, Respiratory and Visceral (to name a few). It is because of this holistic view of the body that we can get to the cause of your problem and not just treat symptoms.  

Aether is founded on the following Osteopathic principles

  1. The human being is a dynamic unit of function.

  2. The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature.

  3. Structure and function are interrelated at all levels.

  4. Rational treatment is based on these principles.

Hello and welcome, 

We are a small team of two, and that's the way we like it. We work together collaboratively and interchangeably, which essentially means you won’t get lost in a massive clinic! 

We are excited to help support your health journey. 

Meet the Team

Dr. Jaci Hartley

  • Founder of Aether Health
    AHPRA Registered Osteopath
    BAppSc(Clin.Sc)BOstSc RMIT

    Dr Jaci Hartley is an Osteopath with over 10 years of hands-on experience. Since graduating with a Double Degree in Osteopathy, Jaci has been passionate in continuing her education by undergoing further studies within the field.

    Utilising a gentle approach to hands on treatment, Jaci has a particular focus on Craniosacral or Biodynamic techniques.

    She encompasses a holistic view of treatment, employing a multidisciplinary process to find health within the dis-ease, and looks to address not only the symptoms, but also the underlying cause.

    When Jaci isn’t at Aether Health treating patients, you can find her working at RMIT within the Anatomy Labs; teaching students all about the human body.

  • Jaci and her family; Lex, Orion and Pud love venturing to Mornington Peninsula for some sea and sand, or out bush camping and hiking, where they can wind down and refresh.

Dr. Bethany Cresswell

  • AHPRA Registered Osteopath
    B.Sc(Osteopathy), M.HSc(Osteopathy

    Bethany was drawn to osteopathy through the holistic nature of treatment and how it aims to assist the body’s natural healing process. She graduated from Victoria University with a Bachelor of Science and Master of Health Science (Osteopathy).

    Bethany treats a variety of conditions but enjoys treating sporting injuries, neck pain, back pain and headaches most. Stretching, strengthening and mobility are an important part of her treatment plans and they are tailored to fit an individual’s condition and capabilities.

    Bethany predominantly uses a range of soft tissue, mobilisation and indirect techniques and has an additional qualification for dry needling.

  • When she’s not working you can find Bethany sewing, crocheting or reading a good book with a coffee in hand.

Our Services

  • Structural osteopathy is referring to the techniques we use to help your specific complaint. You may be quite familiar with some of these techniques, such as Soft tissue (massage), Articulation (joint movement), HVLA (joint cracking), MET (joint movement with patient resistance), Stretching, Dry needling, Cupping, Exercise prescription and so much more.

    These types of techniques can address complaints within the muscles, joints, ligaments, visceral and lymphatic systems.

    The aim of osteopathic manipulation/treatment is to relieve pain, tension and discomfort of symptoms while diving deeper to find the cause.

  • Indirect osteopathy, also known as Osteopathy in Craniosacral Field or Biodynamic Osteopathy, utilises a more subtle and refined approach to treatment.

    A common analogy to describe this technique is by imagining you have a knot in a hair tie; the more you massage and stretch that knot, the tighter it gets! But if you slowly bring the ends of the hair tie together it is much easier to undo the knot. Finding ease rather than forcing tension.

    All physical treatments, such as massage, cracking and joint mobilisation, aim to improve blood flow to enact healing. Indirect osteopathic techniques are no different in this respect.

    It’s with this delicate approach of treatment, that Osteopaths can affect change in systems of the body, which allows us to treat complex cases and patients of all ages, from infants though to the elderly.

  • Management of conditions is a core belief at Aether Health.

    Treatment is only a small percentage of your care.

    We dive into lifestyle changes, professional and ergonomic restructuring, prescribe exercise and stretching programs, looking into possible referrals for a multidisciplinary approach and collaborate with other health professionals.

    At Aether Health we pride ourselves on digging deeper to really understand your condition and help you on your health journey.

    After your initial appointment we will discuss with you a management plan.

    This will include

    Working Diagnosis: A professional opinion of what is happening in your body
    Prognosis: How long we expect for you to feel 100% better
    Goals: Your personal goal to aim for and keep us on track
    What you can do at home: Exercises and stretches that will help your prognosis
    Plan for review: When your next appointment will be, this includes expectation of upcoming appointments as well.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

— Viktor E. Frankl

We Support

  • I love people, hearing their stories and aiding them on their health journey. It’s what brings me joy!

    I have a double degree in Osteopathy, 5 year university education

    6 years of clinical experience

    Founder of Aether Health, Osteopathic Clinic in Ringwood East.

    I have over 10 years working in the health and wellness industry

    Special interest in trauma and its direct relationship to the body

  • Helping and empowering you to achieve your goals!

    Developing and applying the physical skills needed for activities of daily living, including coordination, strength, flexibility, stability, conditioning, and balance

    Aid and educate participants, their families and carers on mobility, mobility strategies and whole-body movement for participation in the home and community

    Review and identify functional capacity and movement barriers, relevant to individual goal fulfillment and/or community participation

    Assist participants in establishing whole body movement styles and postural interventions; preventing injury in activities of daily living

    Where appropriate, manage pain associated with movement that could compound core activity limitations.

    Having fun along the way!

  • University Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Science (osteopathy), Bachelor of Health Sciences

    Support Item number and name: 01_741_0128_1_3 Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Other Professional



    First Aid and CPR

    NDIS worker screening check

    Full police check

    Full Victorian driver's license and car

    AHPRA registered




1/26 Railway Ave,
Ringwood East , 3135

Aether Health is located within the Holistic Health Hub situated behind and above the clothing store along railway avenue. Look for the red mural on the side of the building and follow the path down to the back of the building.

By appointment only.
Dr. Bethany is available
Wednesday’s and Friday’s

Dr. Jaci is available
Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons

Contact us on:


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  • At its core, Osteopathy is a manual therapy (similar to physio, Chiro or myo therapy) that assesses, treats and manages health complaints.

    Osteopathic Medicine utilises many techniques to influence the systems of the body; Musculoskeletal, Fascial, Lymphatic, Neural, Circulatory, Respiratory and Visceral (to name a few). It is because of this holistic view of the body that we can get to the cause of your problem and not just treat symptoms.

    Aether is founded on the following principles…

    • The human being is a dynamic unit of function.

    • The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature.

    • Structure and function are interrelated at all levels.

    • Rational treatment is based on these principles.

  • First of all thank you for booking in, we understand that finding a new clinic and meeting a new osteopath can be a huge step in your health journey.

    The initial appointment is a longer consultation as we take the time to get to know you. We ask lots of questions to make sure we understand all aspects of your concern and dive into your past health history so we have a well rounded view of how you have gotten to where you are today.

    After taking your case history, we will explain to you what assessment will need to be done and what treatment plan we believe will best suit you. Once you are fully informed and happy to proceed we start the assessment of your body.

    An assessment will involve you following basic instructions so we can see what is moving well and what isn’t moving optimally. We analyse where the pain might be coming from and take a holistic view of the condition you are presenting with.

    Then we start treatment. The treatment will be tailored to what your assessment has presented, with a goal of finding the root cause and not just treating the symptoms.

    After the treatment we will explain more of the management plan; how long we believe it could take to feel 100%, what some of the barriers might be, how many appointments you might need and what you can do at home to help with the progress.

    Throughout the whole of your consultation with the Osteopath you have autonomy over your body. We try our hardest to make sure you are comfortable at all times but if for whatever reason you have the control to withdraw your consent. This is your time.

  • Not a lot is required for the appointment.

    If you have any relevant scans or doctor letters, referrals or test results please bring them along, the more information the better. However, it is not required for us to be able to help you.

    Wear loose fitting or flexible clothing, this will help us see the full range of your body.

    Bring your Health Insurance card as you can claim on the spot and a bank card or cash to pay the gap.

  • No, you do not need a referral from your doctor to see an Osteopath.

    However, if you are planning on using the medicare funded rebate you will need to bring the information provided by your doctor to the initial appointment to be able to claim on the spot rebates.

    We will require a Debit card (not credit) and your Medicare Card to complete this process.

  • Yes, if you have extras supporting Osteopathic Treatment.

    Bring your health insurance card along and you can claim the rebate on the spot, only requiring you to pay the gap.

  • Most of the time you will walk out of your appointment feeling better. However it is not uncommon to have post-treatment tenderness and tiredness as we sometimes need to provoke the tissues to find the source of the pain or to create a healing response.

    I like to think of this as ‘DOMS’ - delayed onset muscle soreness - that we experience at the gym all the time when you are pushing yourself and trying new exercises. It takes a while for your body to adjust.

    This post treatment soreness should only last a day or two. If these symptoms persist please contact us! We are here to help and advise.

    Here are some things to help you post treatment:

    • drinking lots of water

    • avoid strenuous exercise 24 hrs post treatment

    • follow management advice from your health care professional

    • getting a good night's sleep

    • magnesium or arnica cream on the sore/treated muscles, heat packs or ice packs can help too.

  • This is a very hard question to answer as every person and their health is individualised and therefore the management will be tailored.

    However as a general rule we like to see a patient for at least 3 consecutive sessions to really see a significant change. If there hasn’t been a significant improvement within the first 3 appointments it is our obligation to re-assess the management and discuss with you about possible referrals or scans.

    After your initial appointment we will discuss with you a management plan. This will include:

    • Working Diagnosis: A professional opinion of what is happening in your body

    • Prognosis: How long we expect for you to feel 100% better

    • Goals: Your personal goal to aim for and keep us on track

    • What you can do at home: Exercises and stretches that will help your prognosis

    • Plan for review: When your next appointment will be, this includes expectation of upcoming appointments as well.

    Prevention is better than cure! This comes to your body as well, it's always a good idea to have treatment to avoid injuries before they happen. We recommend coming in for a tune up every 8-12 weeks at minimum to make sure there is nothing brewing and to keep you as comfortable as possible within your daily life activities.

We look at the body in health as meaning perfection and harmony, not in one part, but in the whole.                             

A. T. Still MD, DO